Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Last Confession of JFK

Myth:  John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States was assassinated by a supposed lone sniper, Lee Harvey Oswald, in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963.  The mystery surrounding the Kennedy Assassination continues to pique curiosity in many Americans and foreigners alike.  Most believe it was some sort of conspiracy.  Was it CIA?  Was it the Mafia, a continual enemy of both John and Robert Kennedy?  It is a momentous time in American History, as well as on of the greatest unsolved cases of the millennium.

Fact:  As an historian, I am probing into dark territory here – that is, to tell my intelligent and rational readers the truth behind one of history’s greatest mysteries.  As the first Catholic President of the United States, the papacy began to take special interest in JFK.  He was one of their own, and now he was President of the United States.  First, we must look beyond the pomp and circumstance surrounding the papacy and the Catholic Church.  Those frail old leaders of Christendom are not just versed in Theology, they are versed in numerous forms of deadly martial arts.  Most Catholics don’t read the entire catechism of the Church, so many fail to realize that a few passages discuss the training of future priests, or seminarians, in Jiujitsu, Tae Kwan Do and various other Eastern martial arts.  Many others are required to attend either Army Ranger School or Navy Seal Training.  Looking back to antiquity, St. Peter, the first pope of the Catholic Church, was the only Apostle not to be crucified without a fight.  Maximus Gaius, a Roman legionnaire present at the scene of St. Peter’s capture, described the following:  “The old man gracefully slipped out of his tunic to reveal the frame and build of a gladiator – he was cut from marble.  About five attempted to subdue him, but they wound up at his feet, motionless.  My centurion was cut in half by his bare hand, his bare hand!”  As a Catholic myself, I have experienced the six-pack abs of the Church.  During my rite of Confirmation, I remember shaking the hand of the priest.  It was an almost unbearable handshake due to the sheer strength of this seemingly humble priest.  I was curious about myriad scars that marked his rough hands and asked what had happened.  He had simply replied that “[he] had fell down some stairs.”  I knew he had been brawling.  Now, back to JFK.  Many of us remember his alleged lurid affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe and others.  And in light of this, there is one thing the Church cannot tolerate over many other transgressions, promiscuity and sex out of wedlock.  He was a powerful Catholic sending the wrong moral signals; he had to be taken out.  Not only had the current reigning pope, Pope John VI, institute the more liberal and controversial changes that came with Vatican II, but he was also the originator of a new form of deadly combat – The Martial Art of Mary, said to be the most deadly of their bare-handed martial skills.  Lee Harvey Oswald was not who he said he was, for his true name was Lucenzo Andolina, a former Archbishop of Abruzzo, graduate of Army Sniper School and a blackbelt in “The Way of Mary.”  JFK perished at the hands of the Church he so embraced, but he had sinned.  We all make fun of the sinister appearance of the present Pope Benedict XVI because of his conspicuous black bags under the eyes.  But those black bags under his eyes are neither due to age or stress, they are simply black eyes he received during relentless training.  He could snap you like a twig.

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