Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Patrick "Tilted Kilt" Henry

This episode of History Bros is brought to you by your local college’s summer gifted program for your tween child.  Instill a false sense of arrogance at a young age, which will inevitably lead to a sense of failure in the future…at your local college’s summer gifted program for tweens. Nerds!

Speaking of nerds, today’s guest is that drunk guy that won’t stop repeating the same “The Hangover” quote at 2am. Patrick Henry!

PH: Give me liberty, or…

HB: Don’t.

PH: Give me boobies! I said that at a Tilted Kilt once.

HB: Were you kicked out?

PH: Yes, but, only because I had had too much Wild Turkey!  Give me liberty, or…

HB: Please stop.

PH: Give me a break…Kit Kat Bar.

HB: I actually like that one.

PH: I do too

HB: Patrick, would you actually prefer death if you couldn’t have liberty?

PH: No. It was all a lot of hot talk, and then people started dying, so it was like “oh shit, this got real 
after some hot talk!”

HB: Right, I get it.  Plus, some of the largest battles, like only 150 men would die on one side.

PH: I know, and I’m not even fighting, so who gives a shit.  Hey, you like Tilted Kilt?

HB: Um, can’t say I do.

PH: Me neither.  They kicked me out once.

HB: I know.

PH: Remember when Mike Tyson was in “The Hangover”?

HB: Patrick Henry, everyone!